Are you an Installer?
Do you want to know how to solve your customers' air conditioning condensate drainage problems in no time at all WITHOUT USING MORE CANS AND BASINS?
You are in the right place! Read here...
Did you know that in just 10 minutes, thanks to the innovative Nebux system, which is so easy to install on your air conditioner even if you don't have 30 years of installation experience, you can finally realise your customers' dream of THROWING AWAY THAT OBSCENE CAN for collecting condensate...
so much so that from then on they will trust you more than their wives and for any other installation job you will always be number one in their phone book?

Good morning everyone. I have a big problem and I really don't know how to solve it...
Last year I bought a flat on the top floor of a block of flats[...]
I bought the flat “ready” for the installation of air conditioning...
The condensate drain was made by the builder in such a way that it disposes of condensation by 'leaking' it onto the roof covering the balcony below my flat...
What is the problem? That the gutter has no drainpipe [...]it discharges by dripping directly into the garden of the ground floor flat!
The owners of the garden below have cautioned me NOT TO USE the air-conditioning system... and I have been forced to position an (unsightly) plastic bin to collect the condensation, which I have to empty regularly. I am desperate!!!
The bathroom and the kitchen (in other words, the nearest drains) are on the opposite side of where the conditioning system currently discharges... I would have to tear the whole house apart to discharge elsewhere! The problem is that I did not create this inconvenience and I even paid for this arrangement! What can I do?
This is just one of many comments left by a user of web forums discussing this kind of problem. The comment is dated, but a valid solution to the problem had not yet been found.... until today.
What has always been the biggest problem for those installing air conditioners?
The condensate drain. In fact, let's take it one step further.
The real problem for them (and therefore FOR YOU) is having to deal with (perhaps overly mangy) customers who are looking for a solution to their air-conditioning condensate drainage that is elegant, practical, and gets that ugly jerry can they keep on their terrace out of sight.
If you are involved in installations, you know what I am talking about, and know that I understand you.
I, too, used to have the same problem when I went with my brother to install plants...
An air conditioner on certain days can make about one litre of condensate every hour. With extended or full-time operation, for a 5 kW appliance the volume of condensate water to be drained averages between 2.5 and 4 l/h.
How many 'solutions' have been proposed to solve the problem?
Those of you who are in the business and know it well, should take a look at the following solutions and see whether any of them suits you
Can we still consider the famous can as a solution?
How dare you suggest someone install an air conditioner in their home and tell them they will need to place a jerry can under the unit?
People shudder at the mere thought of having to be careful not to overfill the can or basin because otherwise they could flood the balcony.
The drawbacks of having condensate drain into a container are endless. And this is a solution that:
- makes the terrace ugly;
- impractical because you have keep attending to it several times a day;
- also takes up a lot of space;
It cannot be considered a solution.
"Alright, but you can flush it by attaching it to the toilet drain!"
The problem is that this solution is not always feasible.
This is because it involves very substantial plumbing work to be carried out by specialised plumbers before the air conditioner is installed.
Basically, if the house where you are going to make the installation is not prepared for this connection unless the person decides to tear apart the bathroom and redo everything (...) it will not be a viable solution.
In addition, these kinds of installations (be it to the bathroom or to kitchen appliances) are like 'Y-connections' that are very difficult to make, and if not done properly could result in unpleasant leaks or water seepage.
"OK, but you can hook on to the gutter!"
Again, this is only possible in certain cases!
In fact, creating a system of pipes connected to the gutter and thus to the drainpipes of the building, so as to directly dispose of water through these pipes, is considered unlawful conduct in the context of condominiums.
So, if you live in a block of flats you cannot do it.
Not only that, but even if this were not the case, this type of solution is even more unsightly than the famous can placed under the unit, as you will have these pipes in plain sight, running along the balcony wall and they certainly won’t be pretty to look at.
External piping on walls is really the last of the solutions to choose, for those with a minimum of taste and who only want to make their homes presentable.
Both systems (the gutter system and the bathroom system) are then linked to the position of the external motor and are therefore not always feasible.
"What about the condensate vaporiser?"
Yes, this kind of vaporiser does exist; a tray with an electric heating element that disperses steam into the air. The problem is that ... it consumes as much as an air conditioner!
It is not cheap at all, because it consumes 700 to 800 watts.
But that’s not all.
The fact is that when too much water arrives, the machine stalls and is unable to dispose of it.
If you are an installer with a few years of experience, you should know this: in fact, there are many professionals who have come to me after choosing this solution and who had to remove it after a year because it consumed too much.
A condensate drain pump?
Booster pumps only work for gradients: if the indoor split is at a level below which the condensate cannot flow down, these pumps are fitted, which also push the water upwards..
There are things that connect up to the split and feature a pump that pushes water out. The downside is that you have to put it at home and attach it to the split, underneath.
This too is unsightly: if you think that people already can't stand the sight of a split in the house, adding another contraption underneath it is certainly not the ideal solution!
Nothing so far seems to adequately solve the condensation problem...
That was until a few years ago, when the event happened that brought me here now to talk to you
But wait a minute... I still haven't told you who I am and why I'm here talking to you about these things!
Let me introduce myself briefly
My name is Andrea Migani and, in addition to being the founder of the NBX company, I am a partner with my brother in Termoidroelettrica, the family business involved in plumbing and air conditioning installation work.
Finally, as you will probably have already realised, I am the inventor
of Nebux.
But where did Nebux come from?
It all happened on a day like any other several years ago, while my brother and I were at a customer's house to install an air-conditioning unit. It was 2006, maybe 2007.
In short, while we were installing the system, the same old problem arose
about where to drain the condensation.
Solving the problem with a jerry can in front of the entrance to the
house was ugly. Moreover, it was impossible to cross the floor with a
hose pipe because of the entrance door.
The only solution was the jerry can. But our customer was particularly discerning, and he didn't want to have a jerry can in front of his house: he wanted us to find an alternative solution at all costs.
That evening, after work, I went down to Riccione with my brother to a cafè near the harbour.
Well, in that cafè in the evening, a mist system had been installed to
cool the room... Then it suddenly dawned on me. Immediately, I thought
of adding a small water pump to the misting system, and that same
evening I came up with the idea which I am now going to present to
From that day to the present, I have carried out endless tests to improve my product.
I have performed tests to reduce dimensions and boost efficiency and reliability, and today I am proud to tell you about Nebux.
Discovery Nebux